Karachi (Palestine Foundation Information Center) The Secretary General of Palestine Foundation Pakistan (PLF) Dr. Sabir Abu Maryam has said that Al-Aqsa storm is the fruit of the struggle of martyr Qasim Soleimani, which has revived the memory of martyr Qassem Soleimani. He expressed these views while addressing the event organized by Majlis-e-Zakreen-e-Imamia on Tuesday night under the title of Martyrs of Al-Quds. Scholars, intellectuals, remembrances and political leaders participated in the event.
Dr. Sabir Abu Maryam said that Shaheed Soleimani is the name of a person who always considered the cause of Palestine as the first goal of his life. Always used to say that the axis and center of all our work should be Holy Quds. After the year 2005, when the Gaza Strip was constantly under torture and siege by the usurping Zionists, hardly anyone thought that any rocket would be fired from Gaza. In these circumstances, martyr Qassem Soleimani provided a new dimension to the Palestinian resistance and with his continuous work and struggle day and night, he enabled the fighters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad to use weapons against Israel. Suddenly, the talk of stones in Gaza progressed and now the Palestinians have started using weapons. Palestinian leaders say that martyred Qassem Soleimani not only delivered weapons to Palestine, but he also gradually told Palestinians the technology and methods of making weapons. At the same time, it made it possible for the Palestinians to start making and using weapons. The result of the services of martyr Qassem Soleimani is that today he is seen with honor and respect all over the world.
He said that according to Shaheed Qasim Soleimani, the Palestine issue has always been the most basic and important issue. He always emphasized that we have to fight untidily for the freedom of Quds. This is the reason why Shaheed Qasim Soleimani gave immense priority to mutual unity of Muslims. Martyr Qasim Soleimani believed that the liberation of Quds can be achieved only through the unity of Muslims. He was the enemy of every voice that harmed the unity of Muslims.
Dr. Sabir Abu Maryam said that if we talk about the ongoing operation of Al-Aqsa Storm in Palestine today, then it will not be out of place to say that the ongoing resistance on behalf of the Palestinian resistance is part of the plans of martyr Qassem Soleimani that he had in his life. One plan was to unify the Palestinian organizations, which we see today in the storm of Al-Aqsa. One plan was to make the Palestinian resistance organizations autonomous, which is clearly visible to us today in the storm of Al-Aqsa. The whole world has known that the Palestinian resistance movements have carried out all the planning and operation of Al-Aqsa Storm itself and have carried out all the actions up to now and there is no external connection. This is the autonomy for which martyred Qassem Soleimani prepared the Palestinian movements. They were provided with weapons and technology so that they could defend themselves against the oppressive Zionist government and continue to advance for the liberation of Al-Quds.