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Hamas calls for mass mobilization against Israeli occupation

GAZA, (The Palestine Information Centre) The Hamas Movement called for mass mobilization across the West Bank cities and villages in support of Jenin and its refugee camp in light of the ongoing Israeli bloody aggression.

The Movement’s spokesman, Hazem Qassem, stressed the importance of confronting Israeli forces and settler crimes in Jenin.

“We salute the steadfast Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and 1948 occupied Palestine who participated in angry protests against the occupation army’s attack and aggression on Jenin camp and in solidarity with the people of Jenin,” he added.

Deploying hundreds of forces, attacking from the sky with drones, and launching rockets on the densely populated camp of about 20,000 people, the IOF continued its bloody attack on Jenin for the second consecutive day.

The ongoing attack killed at least ten people, including four minors, and left more than 100 people injured; 20 of them are in critical condition. Another Palestinian was also shot dead by Israeli soldiers near Ramallah during pro-Jenin protests.


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