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Haneyya: The resistance forced the occupation to leave Gaza in 2005

GAZA, (The Palestine Information Centre)Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya said Tuesday that the raising of Palestinian flags on the ruins of Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip, which was liberated from the Israeli occupation in 2005, marked a new epoch of the Palestinian struggle.

“September 12, 2005 marked a new dawn for our Palestinian people and an unprecedented historical event after the Palestinian flag was raised over the ruins of 21 settlements that occupied about 40 percent of Gaza,” Haneyya said in a statement.

“The launch of “al-Rukn ash-Shadeed 4” maneuvers in the Gaza Strip on this anniversary has confirmed the failure of attempts to isolate and besiege it and also unveiled the enormity of the resistance’s strength and its cooperation within the joint operations room,” the Hamas leader underlined.

He expressed his belief that the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza was not a passing event, but rather an inevitable result of escalating resistance and painful strikes.

In a separate statement issued on the 18th anniversary of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, the Hamas Movement said that the Palestinian people “are unbreakable and their resistance will continue with might and main until the defeat of the occupation and its removal from their land and holy sites.”

“The strategy of comprehensive resistance that succeeded in defeating the occupation and forcing it to leave the Gaza Strip and the [Palestinian] steadfastness in the face of ongoing Israeli terrorism and aggressive wars for many years are capable today of thwarting all the Israeli Judaization and settlement attempts in the occupied territories of Jerusalem and the West Bank. They are the optimal means to achieve our people’s aspirations for liberation and return,” Hamas added

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