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20 days of Israeli aggression and holocaust in Gaza

GAZA(Palestine Foundation Information Center)The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have committed further bloody massacres against Palestinian families as their brutal aggression and holocaust in Gaza entered its twentieth day.

The IOF continued to bombard homes and residential areas, targeting the inhabitants and launching intense airstrikes with the aim of destruction and intimidation, exacerbating the humanitarian consequences of the war of starvation, thirst, and the prevention of medicine and fuel.

Two martyrs fell as a result of the occupation’s shelling of a group of Palestinian citizens, who were farm workers, east of Al-Bureij refugee camp. Another martyr fell in the targeting of the house of Abu Alwan in Khan Younis refugee camp.

Since the early hours of Thursday morning, the number of martyrs has reached 22, whose bodies were recovered from under the rubble of the Taj building, which was bombed by the IOF warplanes Wednesday night in Gaza.

The Israeli warplanes also carried out intensive airstrikes in the areas of Al-Labbadi, Tammous, and the Sheikh Radwan cemetery in Gaza City.

The Ministry of Interior said that Israeli bombing of a residential apartment in Al-Razan Tower near Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip resulted in many martyrs and injuries.

The PIC correspondent reported an increase in the number of martyrs in the Israeli bombing of the Al-Astal family’s house in Khan Younis to 18 martyrs, including a large number of children and women, in addition to several injuries.

The Israeli warplanes also targeted the houses of the “Abu Haseira” and “Abdul Latif” families, resulting in martyrs and injuries. The air strikes also caused a large fire in a juice factory, a tire warehouse, and several stores and shops near the location, according to the Ministry of Interior.

The Israeli warplanes intensified their airstrikes in the neighborhoods of Tel al-Hawa, Al-Tuffah, and Al-Daraj in Gaza, with the aim of destruction, intimidation, and killing civilians. They also targeted the house of Dr. Mohammed Al-Ran, the head of the surgery department at Al-Indonesian Hospital, resulting in several martyrs and injuries.

Journalist Duaa Sharaf, a program presenter at Al-Aqsa Radio, was martyred along with her son Obaida, in the air strike targeting her house in Gaza, raising the number of martyrs among journalists to at least 24, in addition to the families of many of them, the latest being the family of Al-Jazeera journalist Wael Al-Dahdouh last night. The number of martyrs in the massacre that targeted the family of journalist Al-Dahdouh rose to 12 martyrs.

Results of the aggression
Since the start of the aggression on October 7th, Israel has committed over 688 bloody massacres against Palestinian families, resulting in the martyrdom of about 4,807 people, according to statements by the head of the Government Media Office, Salama Maarouf, on Wednesday evening.

The overall number of martyrs has risen to 6,546, including 2,704 children, 1,584 women and girls, and 364 elderly people.

In addition, there are 1,600 missing people under the rubble, including 900 children, while 17,439 civilians have been injured.

Maarouf pointed out that more than 183,000 housing units have been destroyed by the ongoing aggression, with 50% of the housing units in the Gaza Strip being damaged, including more than 28,500 housing units that have been completely destroyed or are no longer suitable for living.

He mentioned that 77 government buildings headquarters  and dozens of public and service facilities have been destroyed in the aggression and have suffered significant damage, while 188 schools have been damaged to varying degrees, with 35 schools being put out of service.

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