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IOF assaults citizens, kidnaps others in W. Bank raids

WEST BANK (Palestine Foundation Information Center)  The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) assaulted several Palestinian citizens and kidnaped others during dawn raids in the West Bank on Monday.

According to local sources, several citizens were injured when Israeli forces fired live ammunition and tear gas canisters at them in Tal town in the southwest of Nablus.

Meanwhile, a horde of extremist Jewish settlers infiltrated Jalud town in the southeast of Nablus and burned a car belonging to a resident.

The same settlers also attacked the house of Salam Haj Mohamed in the town and spray-painted anti-Arab graffiti on its walls.

Yesterday, settlers set a three-story house aflame in Duma town in the southeast of Nablus and defaced its walls with racist slurs.

In Qalqilya, Israeli forces stormed Azzun town, closed its entrances, and ransacked homes, with no reported arrests.

Local sources said that a young man suffered bruises and fractures after Israeli soldiers savagely assaulted him on a street in Azzun town.

The IOF also detained and interrogated dozens of young men during its campaign in the town.

A young man was reportedly kidnapped from his home during an IOF raid in Qalqilya City. His family said he was detained to pressure his brother to turn himself in.

The IOF also kidnaped three citizens from their homes in al-Deheisha refugee camp in Bethlehem and three others from Deir Samet town in southern al-Khalil.

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