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Mishaal participates in the funeral of Turkish tourist killed by Israeli gunfire

ISTANBUL (Palestine Foundation Information Center) The head of Hamas’s foreign political bureau, Khaled Mishaal, took part in the funeral of Turkish tourist Hassan Saclanan who was killed by Israeli gunfire in Occupied Jerusalem last month.

“Türkiye has been present at the Zionist-Palestinian conflict for more than 100 years,” Mishaal said during the funeral.

“These are blessed days. These are days that will make glorious history on the path to liberating Palestine and defeating the Zionist project.”

Mishaal hailed the sacrifices made by “the Turkish martyr’s family and Turkish people” in support of the Palestinian cause.

Speaking to the Turkish people, Mishaal said, “The Zionists are our enemies and your enemies. They are a danger to Palestine, to the Arabs, to the Muslims, to Türkiye, to the nation, and indeed to all humanity.”

Mishaal also hailed the steadfastness and strong determination of Palestinian people in addressing the Zionist project in defense of their nation and humanity.

Earlier Thursday, thousands of Turks participated in the funeral of Turkish tourist Hassan Saklanan, who was killed by Israeli forces in Occupied Jerusalem after he stabbed an Israeli policeman.

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