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UNRWA: Communicable diseases on the rise in Gaza

GAZA  (Palestine Foundation Information Center) The UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) said Thursday there is an increase in communicable diseases in the Gaza Strip, citing the World Health Organization (WHO).

“WHO reports communicable diseases, including diarrhea and suspected hepatitis A, are on the rise in Gaza,” UNRWA wrote on X.

“We need a ceasefire now,” it said, stressing it continues to provide health care, “but overcrowded shelters and limited sanitation due to forced displacement pose severe health risks.”

Israel continued a brutal offensive on the Palestinian enclave despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire.

More than 35,700 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, the vast majority being women and children, and nearly 80,000 others have been injured since the start of the Israeli aggression on October 7.

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