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Palestinian factions condemn the Israeli massacre in At-Tabe’een School in Gaza City

GAZA (Palestine Foundation Information Center) The Palestinian resistance factions condemned in the strongest terms the horrific Israeli massacre committed this morning in the At-Tabe’een School in Al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City, which killed more than 100 civilians.

In separate statements, the factions considered the Israeli massacre a serious escalation in the Israeli series of crimes against defenseless civilians.

Hamas Movement said that targeting a school crowded with displaced people while performing the al-Fajr (Dawn) prayer is a clear message that Israeli occupation government is persisting in its war of extermination against the Palestinian people.

Hamas stressed that “the escalation of Israeli criminality and the widespread violations against defenseless civilians in Gaza would not have continued without direct support from the US administration for the Zionist extremist government and its terrorist army.”

Hamas called on the Arab and Islamic countries and the international community to shoulder their responsibilities and take urgent action to stop these escalating massacres against the Palestinian people.

For its part, the Islamic Jihad Movement condemned the Israeli heinous crime, stressing that the ongoing targeting of schools sheltering the displaced is clear evidence that the Israeli occupation army is waging a genocide and extermination war against the people in the Gaza Strip with the US support.

The Islamic Jihad added that the inaction of international institutions, especially the international courts, in declaring the Israeli officials as war criminals and issuing arrest warrants against them as well as boycotting Israel contributes to its persistence in committing more massacres.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemned the offensive attack on civilians, stressing that the Israeli government continues the spread of ridiculous allegations and pretexts for its crimes in the Gaza Strip, as part of a systematic campaign to mislead the international public opinion and to carry on with its war of genocide and ethnic cleansing in the Strip.

The resistance committees in Palestine condemned the brutal Israeli massacre, stressing that it represents a new chapter of Israel’s war crimes in Gaza which are aimed at exterminating and slaughtering defenseless civilians to uproot them and displace them from their land.

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