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Hamas condemns Wennesland’s inaccuracies on recent developments in the region

GAZA(Palestine Foundation Information Center) The Hamas Movement condemned the inaccuracies stated on Thursday by the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland while briefing a Security Council session on the recent developments in the region.

The Hamas political bureau member, Basem Naim, said in a press statement on Friday, “Unfortunately, Mr. Wennesland insists on the same language in which he equates the aggressor with the victim, violates explicitly international law, and even exceeds the declared stance of the United Nations, which was expressed by several international organizations in Palestine.”

“Rather, he went beyond the issue to adopt the occupation’s narrative, which it uses to justify its aggression against our people in all areas,” Naim added.

The statement listed the following points among the inaccuracies and transgressions in Wennesland’s speech:

“- He adopted the occupation’s narrative regarding shelters, civilian buildings, and United Nations headquarters, where he claimed that they are used for military purposes without any evidence. This is the occupation’s narrative that was never proven, and in doing so, he gives the occupation pretexts to continue the bombing and killing of Palestinian civilians. Mr. Wennesland too ignored all footages that confirmed and documented how the enemy army used the schools, universities, civilian homes and even UN buildings [in Gaza] as military bases.

– Once again, he adopted the occupation narrative in justifying his aggression against the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, that killing people and demolishing homes over the heads of their inhabitants, is within the framework of pursuing the resistance forces. He forgot that more than 20,000 Palestinians were killed during the past years in the streets, alleys, and homes of the occupied West Bank without any justification, except that they were Palestinians living in their homeland.

– He described our people’s resistance against the occupation as “terrorism” while describing the state terrorism practiced by the settlers under the protection of the army and government ministers as “violence”.

– He spoke passionately about the suffering of the Zionist prisoners held by the resistance. He forgot that thousands of Palestinian prisoners, including women and children, have been living in conditions unfit for humans over decades, especially those violations after October 7 that reached the media and became known to everyone about the horrific and immoral practices sponsored by the Zionist state against our prisoners in [the Zionist] jails.

– Mr. Wennesland repeatedly ignored the attempts of the Zionist entity to undermine the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the Palestinian territories and even to eliminate it, especially in the Gaza Strip, in light of the largest humanitarian crisis the Strip is going through.”

Naim concluded by saying, “These are some of the inaccuracies mentioned in his briefing, and was repeated in previous ones, which means that it is an approved and deliberate policy. Accordingly, we demand that Mr. Wennesland retract these inaccuracies and adhere to the limits of the mission entrusted to him as an international mediator whose reference is international law and the policies of the United Nations.”

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