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Iran: Revenge for Haneyya’s assassination will be sudden and proportionate

TEHRAN(Palestine Foundation Information Center) Iranian Deputy Defense Minister Hojjatollah Qoraishi said that the Iranian revenge for Hamas cheif Ismail Haneyya’s assassination will be “sudden and proportionate.”

Israel “must live in a state of psychological anxiety,” he added.

“Haneyya’s assassination is an unforgivable crime and constitutes a violation of Iran’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

He further stressed that “Iran is the one who determines how and when to respond,” adding that his country “has no desire for war, but the aggression will be met with a response.”

On July 31, the Hamas Movement announced the martyrdom of the chief of its political bureau, Ismail Haneyya in an Israeli assassination that targeted his residence in Tehran the day after his participation in the inauguration of the new Iranian President.

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