After covering 6000 km of land journey by GMJ Asian caravan, the caravan reached Erzurum city last night and was welcomed warmly in the cold weather in spite of 2 hours delay.
Rajab Karagos representative of Mazlumdar Association of Human rights and solidarity with oppressed people appreciated the Asian caravan’s struggle for the freedom of Al-Aqsa and humanity.
Salim Ghafouri, Mohammad Maruf and Feroze Mithiborwala, representatives from Iran, Indonesia and India, briefly addressed the people and media gathered in the main square of Erzurum city, emphasizing on global unity against Zionists for freedom of Jerusalem.
The caravan will enter Ankara today and after participation in the Jomma Pray along with the people of Ankara they will protest in front of Zionist embassy in Ankara.