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Abbas addressing the Turkish Parliament: I have decided to go to the Gaza Strip

ANKARA(Palestine Foundation Information Center) Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced that he has decided to go to the Gaza Strip with all the members of the Palestinian Authority leadership, calling for ensuring their arrival there.

In his speech before the meeting of the General Assembly of the Turkish Parliament held on Thursday, in the Turkish capital Ankara, in the presence of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Abbas called on world leaders and the United Nations Secretary-General to visit Gaza.

He emphasized that he will go to Jerusalem after the Gaza Strip, pointing out that Israel’s true goal from the genocidal war in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem is to eradicate the Palestinians’ presence from their homeland, and the forced displacement of Palestinians again, “which will never happen no matter what they do, and no matter how hard they try.”

He said, “I have come to you carrying the pains and hopes of our Palestinian people, who are living the great pain and the continuous catastrophe since 1948, and facing the crimes of the occupation and the absence of international justice while adhering to their land, homeland, and unwavering national rights.”

Abbas praised the positions of Egypt and Jordan, which reject the Israeli displacement plans, and are fully consistent with the Palestinian positions and supporting them in all forums, and the international consensus opposing these Israeli plans, which violate international law.

He expressed his surprise at the silence of the international community in the face of the daily massacres committed by the Israeli occupation army in Gaza shelters, the latest of which was the massacre of the UNRWA school, in which more than a hundred martyrs fell.

Abbas stressed that “Gaza is an integral part of the one, united Palestinian state, and there is no state in Gaza, and no state without Gaza, and our people will not be broken and will not surrender, and we will rebuild Gaza, and heal the wounds of our people with the arms of its sons, and the support of our Arab and Islamic nation and the free people of the world, under our independent Palestinian state, with its capital East Jerusalem, no matter how long the time, and how great the sacrifices.”

He stressed that the killers and war criminals will never escape punishment for what they have committed and are still committing, and said: “We will continue our struggle to achieve justice in Palestine, and we will continue our relentless efforts with the relevant international institutions, foremost among them the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the Human Rights Council and others, as well as the General Assembly and the Security Council.”

Abbas appreciated the role of Türkiye under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for his courageous and principled positions in defense of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to freedom and independence.

He also expressed his appreciation for the positions of all Turkish parties and civil society institutions, which reject and condemn “the heinous crimes committed by the occupation against our people, our land, and our sanctities.”

He concluded saying, “We are counting a lot on the support of our brethren in Türkiye, which has made the issue of Jerusalem and Palestine its central issue.”

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