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Abu Marzouq calls on the UN Security Council to implement Chapter VII

DOHA (Palestine Foundation Information Center) The Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzouq called on the UN Security Council to take urgent action to stop the genocidal massacres in the Gaza Strip, based on Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

The head of Hamas’s Department of International Relations and Legal Affairs said that the massacre committed by the Israeli occupation army against the displaced people in the UNRWA school, on the pretext of the presence of military leaders, carries a message that it is continuing the battle and is venting all the efforts being made to stop the war.

Chapter VII of the UN Charter deals with the actions taken by the Security Council in cases that threaten peace, breach of peace, and acts of aggression, and consists of 13 articles from Article 39 to 51.

The Council has the authority to take the decisions and measures it deems appropriate according to its absolute discretionary power, and uses various means to implement its decisions based on this chapter. The decisions it issues are binding on all states, and no state can evade them even if it was not a party or partner to the agreement or even if it did not agree with the decision.

Abu Marzouq stressed in statements to Al-Arabiya TV that the political and military behavior of the United States with Israel negates its claims of making diplomatic efforts to end the war.

He added, “The United States claims that it wants a ceasefire, and at the same time it is sending three billion dollars’ worth of ammunition to the entity (Israel), this means more killing and encouragement of more killing, and this is the hypocrisy practiced by the Americans.”

Abu Marzouq continued, “This American hypocrisy must stop, and the Security Council must stop these massacres under Chapter Seven, because the international will cannot remain a plaything in the hands of Netanyahu.”

The Hamas leader pointed out that the international community, the Security Council, the International Criminal Court and others say that Israel is practicing genocide, “and the only party that has deviated from this international consensus is the United States, which is obstructing the ceasefire.”

Abu Marzouq directed criticism towards Egypt, saying that “it has special responsibilities towards the Gaza Strip and cannot consider itself a mediator.”

He went on to say, “Egypt is the one that signed the Camp David Accords with Israel, and created the Philadelphia Corridor between the Palestinians and Egyptians, and now it has allowed the Israelis to be present in this corridor; Egypt has special responsibilities to stop these massacres, and it is capable of stopping them in one day.”

He added, “The medicines and food available on the Egyptian side are sufficient to treat and feed the people of Gaza. The nation and the international community cannot remain silent like the silence of the graves in the face of what is happening against our people in Palestine.”

He stressed that Hamas has responded to all the requests of the mediators in Egypt and Qatar, “the latest of which is Biden’s own initiative, and we agreed to the amendments presented by the Israelis and Americans; but Netanyahu has set new conditions.”

He pointed out that the trilateral call for ceasefire negotiations “is a floating call, and what is required is the application of what has been agreed upon,” stressing Hamas’s welcome to all the efforts made to achieve this goal.

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