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Activists slam UK hosting of ‘world’s worst arms dealers’ in London

London, (The Palestine Information Centre)Activists have planned a two-week resistance campaign against Britain’s hosting of the “worst arms dealers,” including those from Israel, in the world’s largest weapons fair.

The campaigners are expected to hold events in denunciation of the Defense and Security Equipment International (DSEI) in London that begin on Tuesday as a venue for repressive regimes like Tel Aviv to sell and buy lethal weapons.

Among those attending will be more than 40 Israeli arms companies, which are complicit in human rights abuses against Palestinians.

In a statement released on Monday, the UK-based Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) described the biennial DSEI as a “marketplace in death and destruction,” saying Israeli firms, like Elbit, “battle test” their weapons on Palestinians in the occupied territories.

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