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Angry crowd takes part in funeral of two Palestinian youths shot and killed by Israeli forces

Jenin – Hundreds of Palestinian mourners participated on Tuesday in funeral procession of the two Palestinian youths who were shot and killed during an Israeli-military raid in Jenin refugee camp, north of occupied West Bank, last night.

Abdullah al-Husari and Shadi Najim were both shot and killed by Israeli forces’ live bullets during the military raid in Jenin refugee camp.

Last night, Israeli special units raided the Jenin refugee camp while driving Palestinian-registrated vehicles, as security sources said.

The well-armed Israeli special forces started raiding the Palestinians’ houses, occupied the houses’ roofs and fired live bullets indiscriminately at anyone moving, killing the 22-year-old former detainee Abdullah al-Husari and critically injuring two others in the head and abdomen.

The 19-year-old Shadi Najim was one of the two injured and he succumbed to his critical wounds in the head, hours later, medical sources said.

Israeli forces have killed thousands of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories over the years, and several international human rights groups say Israeli forces have used excessive force in attacking and subduing Palestinians.

“This policy [opening fire] reflects deep disregard for Palestinian lives and property and enables the continued use of lethal force, crucial to enabling Israel to retain its violent control over millions of Palestinians,” said Israeli human rights group, B’Tselem.

B’Tselem said it had recorded 77 Palestinian deaths at the hands of Israeli forces in the West Bank last year. More than half of those killed were not implicated in any attacks, it noted.

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