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Aqsa Trustees: The coming days will be difficult for Jerusalem

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (The Palestine Information Centre) The Aqsa Trustees Authority has warned that the coming days will be difficult for the occupied city of Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque, affirming that there will be a dramatic increase in Israeli violations at the Mosque to achieve political and ideological goals.

In press remarks on Tuesday, member of the authority Fakhri Abu Diyab explained that the Israeli occupation authority and Jewish temple groups seek to exploit the so-called destruction of the temple event to escalate their aggressive practices against the Aqsa Mosque.

Abu Diyab pointed out that the flag march the settler groups intend to stage on Wednesday (tomorrow) in the Old City of Jerusalem would be different from previous years due to the presence of the most far-right Israeli government, which is also considered a strong supporter of the extremist temple groups.

“The occupation state is striving to change the status quo at the Aqsa Mosque in favor of settler groups and to divide it temporally and spatially. Senior officials and ministers from the occupation government will be leading the settler march,” the Jerusalemite official said.

“The splits and demonstrations taking place in the occupation state will be used by the temple groups to impose new faits accomplis at the Aqsa Mosque. They will try to divert their society’s attention from the judicial amendments through attacking the Aqsa Mosque,” he added.

He also warned that the occupation state takes advantage of all the religious and Talmudic occasions and tries to associate them with the Aqsa Mosque in an attempt to claim a Jewish right to the Islamic holy site.

He stressed the need for the Palestinian masses to intensify their presence at the Aqsa Mosque nowadays to foil any Israeli plot targeting it.

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