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Gaza power plant to shut down within hours due to fuel crisis

GAZA, (The Palestine Information Centre)The Palestinian government media office has warned that the Gaza Strip is facing an imminent humanitarian catastrophe as a result of the power crisis, which will worsen within the coming hours when the power plant shuts down its remaining turbines.

In a statement on Wednesday, the media office said that Gaza would be plunged into complete darkness in the coming hours as its only power plant would not be able to provide electricity.

The media office explained that all the vital services, that depend on electricity, would come to a complete halt, and it would also be impossible to operate emergency generators to provide homes, hospitals, and other facilities with some electricity while fuel shipments are not allowed to enter Gaza.

“This catastrophic situation creates a humanitarian crisis for all the residents of the Gaza Strip, which is further exacerbated by the occupation’s continued aggression and destruction of entire residential neighborhoods with hundreds of tons of explosives,” the media office said.

The media office called upon the international community to move quickly to stop Israel’s crimes against humanity and its multi-form mass murder in Gaza, and to provide its population with all means of life, and not to leave them “hostage to the killing tools used by the occupation.”


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