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Hamas: “Our people will not give up before Trump’s relocation plans”

GAZA (Palestine Foundation Information Center) The Hamas Movement expressed total rejection of US President Donald Trump’s relocation plans which “represent a continuation of the settlement plans aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause and canceling the right of return.”

Leader in the Hamas Movement Mahmoud Mardawi said that these plans reflect “a racist vision aimed at uprooting our people from their roots and reshaping the political and geographical map of the region, in a way that serves the Zionist and colonial interests.”

He added that the response to these statements must be through a package of political, diplomatic and field measures, including strengthening Palestinian national unity and forming a unified national front to confront the ongoing threats facing Gaza and Palestine in general.

He further stressed the need to “unify the Palestinian political position towards rejecting any attempt to exclude our people from their land,” calling for diplomatic action at the Arab and international levels.

The Hamas leader also stressed the importance of popular escalation and resistance in all its forms in Gaza, the West Bank and within the Green Line to reject these plans.

“Our Palestinian people in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem and the 1948-occupied territories will not give up their rights, and will not allow any attempt to uproot them from their land, and Trump’s statements are nothing but a new illusion of the US administration biased towards the occupation, and this plan will fall as all previous attempts have fallen.”

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