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Injuries in confrontations in al-Khalil

AL-KHALILN  (Palestine Foundation Information Center)  Several citizens suffered from suffocation during confrontations that erupted after the Israeli occupation forces stormed the Al-Fawwar refugee camp south of al-Khalil on Friday.

The occupation forces stormed the center of the camp, and confrontations erupted, during which the soldiers fired sound grenades and tear gas canisters toward the citizens and their homes, causing a number of them to suffer from suffocation. They also deployed snipers on the roofs of several houses.

The rebellious youth managed to shoot down an “unmanned aerial vehicle” (drone) of the occupation army after targeting it with stones, and activists broadcast scenes of the youth stomping on the drone with their shoes.

The occupation forces had also stormed several towns in the Ramallah and Jenin governorates, amid fierce confrontations with the rebellious youth.

The Israeli occupation forces raided the villages of Aboud and Deir Ghassana north of Ramallah, as well as the town of Burqa east of Ramallah, deployed in its streets, and took positions around a mosque. At the same time, the soldiers fired live ammunition in the air as citizens were leaving the Friday prayer, without any reported injuries.

The Israeli occupation forces also stormed the entrance to the town of Ya’bad, southwest of Jenin. They raided the Al-Ba’ajah neighborhood, carrying out a wide-ranging combing and search campaign, without reporting any arrests.

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