An International Conference on Palestine has declared to begin a global movement to ensure that Palestinian refugees return to their homeland Palestine. On Wednesday, Palestine Foundation of Pakistan released the details of the conference that was held under the aegis of Global Campaign to Return to Palestine in Beirut and in which Pakistani delegation also participated.
The Conference said that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced to leave their homeland soon after the establishment of illegitimate state of Israel. It said that United Nations has recognized the right of Palestinians refugees to return Palestine but the UN failed to implement this resolution so far.
It said that millions of Palestinian refugees want to return their motherland and a global movement was needed to make their dream come true. Therefore, it was decided at the conference that a global movement should begin to muster worldwide support and pressure for return of Palestinians.
The international conference emphasized that the hosts believe in the right of all refugees to return their homeland and under this universally recognized right, Palestinians. It also asserted that the people whose land has been occupied enjoy right to resist and counter the occupiers. They said that national resistance of Palestinians is also legitimate under international law.
The Conference maintained that they don’t represent any sect or religion but they believe in a common point agenda. They said that they would continue to attain their legitimate goal.
Those who attended the conference were: Abu Emad Al Refaiee of Islamic Jihad Movement of Palestine, Hezbollah Leader Dr Ali Fayyad Member of Lebanese Parliament, Famous Scholar from Algeria Mr Amar Al Talibi, Mufti from Jamia –al-Azher Egypt Mufti Jamal Qutub, Former Member of Parliament of Pakistan and Leader of Jamaat-e-Islami Mr Muzaffar Ahmed Hashmi, Secretary General of Palestine Foundation Pakistan Sabir Karbalai, Member of Parliament of Scotland Mrs Pauline Mcniell, Dr Paul Larudee of Free Palestine Movement USA, Sheikh Suhail Assad of Argentina, Jose Nassar of Raise Your Vice Venezuela, Nicola Hadwa & Fuad Musa of Arabic Association in Chile, Muhammad Taher Oglu, Najm-al- Din & yousof Sanily of Turkey, Mikail of Raise Your Voice Spain, Kenin Ovenden of Anti war Association UK, Abu Hamza of Arab- Eur Association UK, Azzam Muhammad of Islamic Association of Scotland, Abdelkader yasien & Hesham Jafar of Egypt, Ahmed Kehlwi of National Tunisian Association Tunisia, Khaled Abdul Majeed of Palestine, Dr Ahmed Jaber of Arab Observatory Supporting Palestine Lebanon, Dr Hussain Roywaran of Association of Defending the Palestinian people, Feroze Mithiborewala of The Globa March to Jerusalem India, Ajit Sahi as a Journalist from India, Mujtahid Hashim & Muhammad Arief of Voice of Palestine Indonesia, Ahmed Tarmizi & Fauzi Ebrahim of Malaysia Advisory Board Malaysia, Teon Kim of Palestine Peace Solidarity South Korea, Abdullaj Al Mousawi of Social Cultivation Association Kuwait, Muhammd Al Shehabi of Bahrain, Maisara Abdullah & Salim Al Sweis of Sommittee to Support the Steadfastness Palestinian Jordan, Muhammad Ali Abdu & Zaid Muhammad Yahya of The Civil Awareness & Rule of Law Movement Yemen, Dr Muhammad Hussain of Permanent Conference against the Zionist invasion of Lebanon, Dr Abdul Malek Sukareya of The Lebanese Association for Supporting of the boycott law Lebanon, Imad Issa of International Network for Palestine Lebanon, Nabil Hallak of International Initiative to break the siege of Gaza Lebanon, Dr Haidar Dekmak of Quds Cultural Institute Lebanon, Abed Alfateh Al Ayoubee of Member of the Coalition of Muslim Scholars Lebanon, Yuosof Abbas of Return to Palestine Syria, Dr Hala Al Asad of Arab Umah league Syria & Muhammad Abo Alabed of Return To Palestine.