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IOF besieges al-Khalil following Gush Etzion operation

AL-KHALIL(Palestine Foundation Information Center) The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have laid siege to al-Khalil City and its vicinity and intensified their presence in the province following the synchronized operation that happened last night in the illegal settlement bloc of Gush Etzion in the West Bank.

According to eyewitnesses, the IOF blocked on Saturday morning the entrances of al-Khalil City and its refugee camps, as well as the towns and villages around it, and set up makeshift checkpoints on several roads.

Earlier at dawn, Israeli forces launched raids in different areas of al-Khalil province, closed the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Old City of al-Khalil and prevented Palestinian vehicles from using Route 60 and other roads.

Violent clashes reportedly broke out at dawn between local youths and Israeli forces in Jabel Abu Rumman area in al-Khalil province.

Two citizens were kidnaped during IOF raids in Wadi al-Hariya area and ash-Shallala street in al-Khalil City.

The IOF campaign in al-Khalil and the closure of the Ibrahimi Mosque came just hours after three Israeli officers, including a brigade commander, were injured in a car bomb explosion at the Gush Etzion junction in the southern West Bank. The explosion coincided with another attack in the nearby settlement of Karmei Tzur.

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