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IOF kidnaps dozens of Palestinians in W. Bank raids

WEST BANK  (Palestine Foundation Information Center)  The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) were kidnapped last night and at dawn Thursday dozens of Palestinian citizens during raids in the West Bank.

According to the Palestinian Prisoner Society, the IOF kidnaped at least 60 Palestinians from different West Bank areas.

Local sources said that the IOF raided several homes in Qalqilya City and kidnaped 10 citizens, including a father to pressure his son to turn himself in.

10 other citizens were taken prisoners during IOF raids in Kafr Laqif town, east of Qalqilya.

Residents of Kafr Laqif said that the IOF destroyed several cars belonging to them during its raid in the town.

Israeli forces also stormed other towns of Qalqilya province and kidnapped eight citizens from their homes.

In Nablus, the IOF kidnapped three citizens from the city and Askar refugee camp.

Local sources in Askar camp said that Israeli soldiers ransacked the house of a young man called Badr Hashish and assaulted him and members of his family before kidnaping him.

Israeli forces also stormed Madama town, south of Nablus, amid drone overflights, before embarking on raiding homes and detaining a number of local residents.

Local sources in Madama said that Israeli soldiers detained and assaulted some local residents and interrogated them before releasing them.

In Ramallah, the IOF kidnaped a female university student identified as Amal Shuja’iya from her home in Deir Jarir town.

Israeli forces also broke into and ransacked a house in Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in southern Jericho, with no reported arrests.

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