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Islamic-Christian Committee warns of Judaization plans in O. Jerusalem

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (The Palestine Information Centre)The Islamic-Christian Committee in Support of Jerusalem and its Sanctuaries expressed concern on Wednesday over the Israeli decision to approve a new settlement plan in Occupied Jerusalem with a budget of roughly one billion shekels for its execution.

The Committee emphasized that this new plan, which calls for the construction of 2,430 settlement units as well as a 500-room hotel, is one of the largest settlements recently approved.

The Committee emphasized that the new plan aims to strengthen the settler presence in the occupied city, seize hundreds of dunams of Palestinian land, besiege Palestinian residential communities, and effectively isolate the city from its Palestinian environs.

The plan came in coincidence with another scheme presented by the Israeli National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, to set up new settlement roads, new police stations, and surveillance cameras, the Committee added.

The Committee held the international community responsible for these growing settlement plans that seek to displace Jerusalemites from their homeland.

It further urged the international community and world leaders to break their silence and intervene to stop Israeli settlement construction before it is too late

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