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Jewish settlers place barbed wire around Palestinian homes in JV

WEST BANK  (Palestine Foundation Information Center) A horde of extremist Jewish settlers installed barbed wire and signs around Palestinian homes in Ein al-Hilweh area in the northern Jordan Valley on Thursday.

Local sources said that about 30 settlers placed signs and barbed wire around the homes of Ein al-Hilweh villagers as a prelude to seizing the area and displacing the local residents.

The sources added that 12 families living in Ein al-Hilweh area are threatened with displacement from their homes.

The Israeli occupation authority started in recent months to separate Palestinian communities in the northern Jordan Valley from each other and gave the green light for Jewish settlers to seize and fence vast tracts of land in the region, especially in the west of Road 60.

In a separate incident, the Israeli occupation forces uprooted on Thursday 60 olive trees and grapevines and wreaked havoc on an irrigation system and a barbed wire fence in Wadi Abu Kir area in Nahalin town, west of Bethlehem.

The destroyed trees and agricultural property belonged to citizens from Nahalin town.

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