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No to Israel campaign launched with protest rally in Karachi

KARACHI (PNIC) No to Israel campaign launched with protest rally in Karachi where Palestine Foundation leaders and supporters expressed solidarity with al-Quds and Palestinians.

Israel Na Manzoor campaign launched under the aegis of Palestine Foundation (PLF) across Pakistan. However, main protest rally held in Karachi.

They gathered outside New Memon Masjid after Friday prayers to condemn those Muslim regimes who are betraying Palestine and Kashmir issues.

Protesters were carrying placards and banners inscribed with slogans against the illegal land grabber Israel who has squatted Palestine, including Jerusalem (al-Quds).

Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan (JUP-Noorani) leader Allama Qazi Ahmed Noorani, Jamaat-e-Islami leader and former MNA Mohammad Hussain Mehanti, ex-MPA from MQM Mehfooz Yar Khan and Palestine Foundation’s secretary general Dr. Sabir Abu Maryam led and addressed the protest rally.

They said that enemies have also hatched conspiracies against Pakistan for the sake of Israel.

They condemned UAE and Bahrain for recognizing Israel and asked them to announced immediate reversal of this anti-Arab and anti-Ummah decision.

Furthermore, they said that these GCC countries have ditched Palestine issue and betrayed al-Quds. They said UAE and Bahrain’s pro-Israel policy shows they have endorsed Israeli atrocities against Palestine and Palestinians.

They said United States and Israel together with India are also disseminating negative propaganda against armed forces of Pakistan.

PLF leaders said the trio is also conspiring against Pakistan’s armed forces. But, people of Pakistan know their plots and remain stick to their pro-Palestine stance.

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