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Palestine core issue in anti-hegemonic struggle: Karbala conference told

Iraq, (The Palestine Information Centre)An international conference in Iraq has concluded that the issue of Palestine is the core conflict between the freedom-seeking people of the world and hegemonic powers.

In a final communiqué issued on Monday, the participants in the Second Al-Aqsa Call Conference in the holy Iraqi city of Karbala hailed the Palestinian nation’s “great steadfastness and sacrifice in the face of Zionist tyranny,” calling for the dissemination of the voice of the victims of Israeli crimes.

They also highlighted the role of clerics, media and NGOs in expounding the Palestinian cause.

The conference was held on Sunday and Monday under the banner of “Palestine and Imam Hussein: The global dimensions of the missionary personality and the humanitarian cause.”

Religious scholars as well as political and cultural figures from 65 countries took part in the event.

They said the Tel Aviv regime is behind the recent cases of the desecration of holy books such as the Qur’an.

They also dismissed any normalization with Israel and called for global action against the forging of ties with the occupying entity.

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