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Palestinian youth shot, killed by Israeli forces near Ramallah

A Palestinian youth was shot and killed by Israeli occupation gunfire on Tuesday evening in the al-Mughayyir village, east of the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah.

The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that 21-year-old Raed Na’ssan was critically injured after being shot in the chest by Israeli forces during a military raid into the al-Mughayyir village.

He was rushed to a hospital in Ramallah where he succumbed to his serious injury.

Local sources said Israeli forces raided the village that day and Palestinian residents tried to block their entry. However, the forces opened fire toward them, shooting one with a live bullet and several others with rubber-coated metal bullets.

Na‘ssan is the fifth Palestinian shot and killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank in less than 24 hours on Tuesday.

Palestinian brothers Jawad and Thafer Abdul Rahman Rimawi, 22 and 21, were both killed in Kafr Ein village at dawn by Israeli gunfire.

A third Palestinian, identified as 44-year-old Mufeed Mohamed Ikhlil, was shot in the head and killed by Israeli forces during a military raid into the town of Beit Ummar late Monday.

The fourth Palestinian was identified as 45-year-old Rani Abu Ali who was shot and killed by Israeli forces over carrying out an alleged ramming operation near the illegal settlement of Kochav Yaakov outside occupied Jerusalem.

Since the start of 2022, Israeli forces have killed 207 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza Strip, according to the Health Ministry.

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