KARACHI (Palestine Foundation Information Center) Protests will continue against the ongoing genocide in Gaza and against the coercive actions against students and teachers at American universities. These views were expressed by Palestine Foundation Pakistan Secretary General Dr. Sabir Abu Maryam, Faculty members of NUML university Karachi Dr. Madad Ali, Dr. Fazli Hussain, Miss Nimra Naveed, Miss Maria Batool and others who participated in the Palestine solidarity rally held on Friday from National University of Modern Language Karachi.
Addressing large number students and teachers participated in the protest rally and demanded an end to the ongoing genocide and aggression in Gaza.
The participants of the protest demonstration holding placards with the key symbol titled “Palestinian right of return” and placards in support of Palestinians including the slogans Israel is an illegitimate state, Pakistan stand with Palestine.
Addressing the protest, Dr Sabir Abu Maryam, Secretary General of Palestine Foundation Pakistan said that we stand with the students and teachers who support Palestine in American universities and condemn the coercive actions of the American government against them. He said that we will continue to protest across the country for the end of the aggression on Gaza and the rights of students and teachers of American universities. Humanity is being killed in Palestine today. Palestine is the homeland of the Palestinians and we support the Palestinian right of return.
Addressing the participants of the protest, Dr. Madad Ali, Dr. Fazli, and female teachers including Nimra Naveed and Maria Batool said that we are with Palestine and with the teachers and students of American universities because they are with Palestine and humanity. They further said that arresting students and teachers who support Palestine in American universities is a serious violation of human rights and freedom of expression. The American government should immediately release all arrested students and teachers.
On this occasion, the students raised slogans of free free Palestine, the liberation of Palestine and the struggle will continue until the destruction of Israel.