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Two Jewish settlers injured in resistance attack south of Nablus

NABLUS, (The Palestine Information Centre)Two Jewish settlers were injured on Tuesday evening after Palestinian resistance fighters carried out a shooting attack, to the south of Nablus.

Israeli media sources said that a Jewish settler was slightly wounded while another was moderately injured in a shooting attack in Huwara, adding that the attackers fled the scene.

The sources pointed out that Israeli military reinforcements were deployed in the area to conduct a comprehensive search operation and look for the attackers.

Palestinians have been escalating their resistance activities in response to the repeated Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, lands, and holy sites.

Meanwhile, the Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem hailed the Huwara shooting attack, affirming that the Palestinian fighters in the West Bank will continue resisting the Israeli occupation.

Qassem pointed out that the attack coincides with the 18th anniversary of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, stressing that this reflects the Palestinian people’s ability to resist the Israeli occupation until there is no place for the invaders.

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