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Two West Bankers suffer bullet injuries, two others assaulted in IOF attacks

WEST BANK (Palestine Foundation Information Center) Two Palestinian young men suffered bullet injuries on Friday evening when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at local youths during skirmishes with them in Beita town, south of Nablus.

According to the Red Crescent, a young man in his 20s was injured in his back and a 16-year-old teenager suffered a chest injury during clashes between Israeli forces and youths in Beita town.

Several young men also suffered from their exposure to tear gas during the events.

At dawn Saturday, a young man was badly injured when Israeli soldiers savagely assaulted him during a campaign in the Rafidia neighborhood in Nablus City.

In al-Khalil, Israeli soldiers severely beat an elderly man after raiding his home in Deir Samet town in Dura town.

The family of Sheikh Nouh al-Haroub said that Israeli soldiers brutally beat him, although they were told he was sick, adding that he was assaulted to prevent him from performing Adhan (call to prayer) at the Khilat Taha Mosque at the pretext of disturbing settlers.

The soldiers also sabotaged the loudspeakers and electrical wires inside the Mosque, according to the family.

Sheikh Haroub was taken to a hospital for medical treatment after he suffered injuries all over his body.

The IOF also kidnaped a young man from the Jaber neighborhood in al-Khalil City.

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