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Wafaa Jarrar: A new victim of Israeli crimes behind bars

JENIN (Palestine Foundation Information Center) Wafa Nayef Jarrar, 49, was taken into custody by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on May 21 from her home in Jenin, in the northern West Bank.

The Israeli forces later claimed that she had been seriously injured in an explosion while inside the military vehicle, where she was kept detained for four hours.

After that, the Israeli authorities issued an administrative detention order against her before releasing and turning her over to the Palestinian Liaison Office, despite her critical health condition, putting her life in danger once more to avoid taking responsibility for the serious injuries she sustained during her detention, which resulted in the amputation of her leg.

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said that Jarrar’s arbitrary arrest, her hours-long detention inside a military jeep without being taken to an investigation center, and her transfer to an area where clashes were occurring are indicative of the severity of the violations she was subjected to, particularly the Israeli army’s deliberate attempt to put her life and safety in danger.

To protect its forces and military operations in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army has been using Palestinian civilians as human shields and purposefully positioning them in front of military targets and in key locations, the Euro-Med added.

According to the rights group, Jarrar was an example of the Israeli policy of torture and abuse to which Palestinian detainees, including women, are subjected, in addition to the denial of necessary and life-saving medical care and disavowing responsibility for these crimes.

Speaking to Euro-Med, Jarrar’s son, Hudhayfah Jarrar, said that his mother was arrested on May 21 after Israeli forces besieged their home and fired at the security cameras surrounding it as well as the neighboring home.

“The soldiers violently stormed the house and demanded my mother’s ID card and gold before starting to destroy the house contents and turning it upside down. They were asking about the gold or any money and they started celebrating after finding it. The soldiers then arrested my mother.”

“In the evening, news began to circulate about a large explosion in Jenin where a female soldier was injured at midnight. The news was later updated to say that a Palestinian female prisoner who was in the military jeep was seriously injured and was transferred for treatment. She was the sole female prisoner arrested that day, and after verifying with multiple sources, her injury was confirmed at 2 a.m., at which point she was moved to the Rambam in Haifa.”

” The next day in the morning, the Israeli army stated an explosion occurring in Jenin and the injury of a Palestinian female prisoner, denying any injuries among its soldiers. Later, her leg amputation was reported by the Hebrew media.”

When she was undergoing the operation, the Israeli authorities placed her under administrative detention for four months, her son continued.

“Yesterday (Thursday), we were surprised by an Israeli decision to release her and disavow responsibility for her medical treatment.”

Euro-MEd concluded by saying that “an immediate and severe action must be taken to put an end to these crimes, and hold the Israeli army accountable for all crimes it committed against civilians throughout the occupied Palestinian territory.”

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