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Zionism is getting weaker and weaker and soon Palestine will be free from its un-Justine occupation


Zionism is getting weaker and weaker and soon Palestine will be free from its un-Justine occupation, We strongly support Palestinian people’s right of self determination.
Hezbollah Lebanon In-charge political wing attend International Palestine Solidarity conference in Islamabad organized by Palestine foundation Pakistan (PLF)
Other international speakers were Dr Sheikh us Slam (In-charge international Al Quds Committee), Dr Haider Dakmak of Hezbollah.

Palestine foundation Pakistan (PLF) organized International solidarity Conference in Local Hotel Islamabad. Various National and international leaders addressed the conference. Conference is attended by large numbers of Participants. Main Speaker of the conference is Hezbollah Lebanon representative Mr. Haider Dakmak In charge Al Quds Committee and Dr Ahmed Milli In charge Political wing of Hezbollah.

Sheikh Rasheed, Agha Murtaza Poya, Qazi Noorani, Raja Nassir Abbas and other were the local leaders that addressed the conference.
Dr Sheikh us Salam in-charge international Al Quds Committee Iran in his speech says that Zionist regime is getting weaker and weaker and soon it will be vanished from world map. Soon Palestine will be a free state and all refugees will return to their home land. He says that it’s not the clash of religion in Palestine Christians and Jews are also with us in the fight for self determination.  The demand to accept Israel as a nation will be consider as betrayed with the blood of the martyrs of Palestine. We are thank full to our Pakistani brothers who always stand shoulder to shoulder with us.

Hezbollah Lebanon leader Dr Haider Dakmak says that It is only because of following Islam that Palestinians are still struggling against Israel since last 60 years. It now the call of the time to highlight the problems of Palestinian peoples to rest of the world. Nobody is allowed to lives freely in AL Quds.  But still the mujahedeen are fighting the Zionist regime. Palestine is the land of prophets and it’s a holy place to us. Its defense is our responsibility. He says that our Pakistani brothers always support us and we thank full to them.

While addressing the conference Leader of Awami Muslim League Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed says that one who does not believe in Jihad is not a Muslim because Jihad is compulsory part of Islam. Palestine issue is the issue of Muslim world and people of Islamic republic of Pakistan strongly support Palestinian people. Now the requirement is to work for implementing Islamic rules in Pakistan, Create harmony among different sects of Islam, Masjid and Imam Bargha should come close to each other. Now India which once consider as Gandhi India has become America India. Now India has become the ally of America and he is threatening us in one way or another. We have to think over it and over Muslim world issue.

Agha Murtaza Poya Said that liberation of Palestine is actually the liberation of Kashmir. He says that Islamic awakening in Egypt can come a couple of years ago but Islamic rulers work just for the continuity of their ruler ships and always crush these movements. And now these Arab rulers are combined to weaken Syrian government. They are working to please their Lord the American government and they are entering terrorist in Syria from Qatar boarder. He said that Quad-e-Azam always support Palestine cause. He says that America is the root cause of all the problems of the world.

Addressing the conference World Minority Alliance leader J. Salik says that international community is turning deaf ear to the Palestine issue. United Nation Organization is not interested to solve the Palestine issue instead they work to support the Zionist regime. If we want to liberate Palestine first we have to liberate UNO. He says that Pakistan Parliament is not taking any action on humanitarian problems of Palestinian peoples. He says that if Palestine issue not resolve soon it will direct the world towards a big disaster like world war III

Allama Ameen Shaheedi says that Palestine issue could be resolved 60 years ago provided the western countries works according to the demand of justice. Everywhere in the world America is causing the humanity to suffer just too full fill his interests. He asks the UNO whether Burma, Kashmir and Palestine are not international humanitarian issues. He says that west has placed his agents as the rulers of Muslim countries. He says that Taliban are America agents and they are working to full fill American agenda. The entire world is not trying to remove Bashar ul Asad Government so that a threat to Israel can be removed.

Jamiat Ulema Pakistan Central leader and Guardian Council member of Palestine Foundation Qazi Ahmed Noorani says that Palestine issue is the issue of Entire humanity, this is not the issue of piece of land or group of people it is the issue of basic human rights. Zionist has created Israel on the basis of false claim, and they have tortured the Palestinian peoples, exile them from their home lands kill thousands of Palestinians. Why the world is not taking any action against the genocide acts of Zionist regime. He urged the Muslim world to help Palestinian people. He says the Palestine Foundation Pakistan always tries to support the Palestine cause in every possible way.

Secretary General Maglis Wahdat Muslemen Raja Nassir Abbas says that today what is happening in Syria is only an attempt to weaken struggle of Palestinian people. With deep sorrow we says the Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey governments are just full filling American agenda. He says that we always support every oppressed people and will always stand against every cruel, criminal regime. He says the now all the nations are supporting Palestinian cause and one days we will liberate Al Quds from Zionist regime.
In the end organizers of the conference i.e. Palestine foundation Pakistan (PLF) put memorandum of the conference.

They high light three points
1)      To accept right of self determination of Palestinian people
2)      To ensure the return of all refugees to their home land
3)      To fully support struggle of Palestinian mujahedeen
They urged the people of Pakistan to mark last Friday of Ramadan (juma tul Wida) as AL Quds day. To arrange rallies, seminars and conference on Al Quds topic.
These views were expressed by different speakers while addressing the international Palestine Solidarity conference in Islamabad local hotel. This conference is organized by Palestine Foundation Pakistan (PLF)

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