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GMO: Over 30 Gazans massacred last night in Rafah

GAZA  (Palestine Foundation Information Center) The Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza has said that more than 30 Palestinians were martyred and many were injured in Israeli airstrikes last night on a camp sheltering displaced civilians in the northwest of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

In a news conference held outside the Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza on Sunday night, a spokesman for GMO said that the Israeli occupation army bombed more than 10 shelter centers belonging to UNRWA during the past hours.

The spokesman pointed out that the bombed shelter areas had already been declared by the occupation army as “safe zones,” stressing that the targeting of civilian shelter gatherings in Rafah sent a message that the holocaust against the Palestinians in Gaza would not stop.

The spokesman urged the International Court of Justice and human rights organizations to take steps to prosecute Israeli war criminals.

“We continue to strongly condemn and denounce the ongoing genocidal war and massacres against displaced civilians and the attacks on shelter centers, which claimed the lives of over 190 people and injured dozens, in Jabalia, an-Nuseirat, and Gaza during the past 24 hours, and in Rafah a while ago,” the spokesman said.

“We call on the free world’s countries to condemn this brutal crime that was committed by the occupation and the Americans,” he added.

The spokesman held the US administration and the European countries involved in the war crimes in Gaza, especially Germany, fully responsible for the ongoing Israeli genocidal war against the Gazans.

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