KARACHI (PNIC):-Karachi Press Club witnessed leadership today from Palestine Foundation Pakistan (PLF-P) Civil Society, Religio-Political and Youth Organizations today to celebrate.
Kashmir – Palestine Solidarity Rally on Sunday Feb 4 at Press Club Karachi Kashmir-Palestine Solidarity Rally on Feb 4.
The Rally is organized by PLF-P and Youth Organizations across Karachi this Sunday to show their solidarity with the subjugated nation of Kashmir and Palestine.
During the occasion, in audience to Organizations from various walks of life, Leader PLF-P and Member National Assembly Mehfooz Yar Khan announced the rally on the day.
Masses pledged to the cause and affirmed their allegiance to the innocent Kashmiris and Palestinians.
Dignitaries addressed them to say that its high time that the forums took notice of the dire situation in those countries where corpses rise in numbers on a daily basis at the hands of illicit regimes. The nations look towards us for support. Pakistan have always voiced against any oppressor and it stands by them for their sustenance. irrespective, the Youth stand besides them lest it be Israel or India. The two nations are declared enemies of our state and Pakistan has vouched to bring about the freedom that these innocent inhabitants of Kashmir and Palestine.
The members present appealed to the heart of Karachi to pour in on the day of the rally show their patronage and solidarity wih the cause.
During the occasion dignitaries worth mentioning were; Agha Sherazi Chairman National Assembly of Pakistan for Youth, Khawja Bilal Mansoor Incharge Youth affairs in MQM Pakistan, Muhammad Abbas General Secretary ISO Karachi, Bilal Hussain and Zeeshan Haider of APMSO, Anum Memon Founder of Students Foundation, Kazim Abbas Secretary General Wehdat Youth Pakistan Karachi, Imran Shehzad Chairman Amity International, Owais Qadri Chairman Shaheen Pakistan, Adnan Kudya a social worker, Ashok Kumar and Sabir Abu Maryam Secretary General of Palestine Foundation Pakistan (PLFP).