By. Dr Sabir Abu Maryam Secretary General Palestine Foundation Pakistan The encirclement around the oppressive Zionist state of Israel is getting narrower day by day. The...
WEST BANK, (The Palestine Information Centre)The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) launched a large-scale raid and arrest campaign throughout the West Bank, which led to the outbreak...
GAZA, (The Palestine Information Centre)Five citizens were killed and others were injured on Wednesday evening in an accidental explosion that occurred on the eastern border of...
Karbala (Palestine Foundation Information Center) A two-day Palestine and Imam Hussain international conference is going on in the holy city of Karbala, Iraq. On the second...
Karbala, (The Palestine Information Centre) The ongoing two-day International Palestine Conference titled “The Call of Al-Aqsa, Palestine and Imam Hussain” has started in the holy city...
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (The Palestine Information Centre)Ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbi Yehuda Glick desecrated the Aqsa Mosque’s courtyards along with other settlers on Wednesday morning. According to the al-Qastal...
London, (The Palestine Information Centre)Activists have planned a two-week resistance campaign against Britain’s hosting of the “worst arms dealers,” including those from Israel, in the world’s largest...
RAMALLAH, (The Palestine Information Centre)Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured on Friday after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled the anti-settlement marches in several areas of the...
RAMALLAH, (The Palestine Information Centre)Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in Ofer jail closed the prison sections and refused meals on Sunday evening. The protest step came after...
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (The Palestine Information Centre)More than 45,000 Palestinian worshipers attended the Friday prayer at the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem. Since the early morning hours,...